Advices for clear explanation of Histology

Cing Sian Dal
1 min readJul 31, 2018

Yes, histological pictures are never clear for newbies. All we can see and understand are pink in different textures.

In modern textbooks of histological diagnosis, explanations are never clear. Experiences and repetitive exposure to histological microscopes are required to understand fully. No matter how professional we are, professional writing and explanation of science are supposed to be at first in non-professional way because before reading every readers are not professional yet.

For example, the best explanation is like in the textbook of Oral pathology and diagnosis : color atlas with integrated text by Roderick A. Cawson, John W. Eveson.

There are always two figures: one is histological stained figure and another is pencil-drawing figure on which labels are tagged.

Microscopic Stained Histology Figure and Sketched Figure



Cing Sian Dal

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